Health and Wellness

When The Diagnosis Keeps Changing

When The Diagnosis Keeps Changing

When The Diagnosis Keeps Changing

By Dr. Val


An awful lot of people seem to be dropping like flies lately and most of it seems to be heart or stroke-related. How interesting that the variety of diagnoses that are given out can sometimes be as many as five during one week...on the same patient. The medical establishment seems to be puzzled; patients are scared and angry. Tests seem to bear out the diagnosis given for about a day or two and then new tests turn out completely different. Since many diseases are diagnosed by lab tests combined with physical symptoms, this is strange indeed.


To those who live in energetically powerful vortex areas the energies have intensified dramatically. There has been a steady buildup for quite some time now, leaving most of us feeling fatigued and battle-worn. Just getting through the day requires every bit of energy we have. Most have a tendency not to notice it so much unless there is a day or two of reprieve, when it feels easier, like back in the 1950's. The last time a few of us noticed that was around 2006-7, after a particularly gruesome three months that had most healers and psychics feeling they were lost behind enemy lines.


What is this strange energy? It has been called the Dark side, the Ascension process, the End of Times, the Gathering of the Elders, and many other names. It has even been attributed to the purposeful pollution of our atmosphere by chem-trailing and HAARP transmissions. Most energy workers have learned to simply go lay down when it gets bad but if one has to work outside the home that can be impossible. It can take anywhere from several hours to several days for the human energy field to adapt and stabilize from such drastic energy changes.


Some scientists have stated that we are heading into a foreign part of the Galaxy and an unknown energy source. No one seems to know what that might do to mammalian DNA. All we know, so far, is people are having some strange things happening. As a physician who has had to deal with some of the strangeness after patient visits to the emergency room, months of ineffective treatments, changing diagnoses and worsening symptoms, it’s eye-opening.


The confusion on both sides is understandable; when the tests we normally use to determine a diagnosis keep changing without explanation, what should one surmise? As an intuitive physician the best route seems to be to listen and keep an eye on the tests as well as carefully examining the patient in front of me. Many of my patients have thanked me for saving their lives when conventional medical treatments have failed them. While I'd like to be able to lay claim to being so brilliant that I caught what others missed, seeing the test results and symptoms, I agree with the diagnosis.


The difference that helps me and other intuitive doctors is that we unconsciously listen to what isn't being said. We somehow hear what the body is saying or feel what the problem might be. In other words, we take the SWAG route (Scientific Wild-A** Guess), bolstered by intuitive hits. By acting on what we inwardly know we pick the right treatment, which proves our choices by getting the patient well. Go figure.


©2021 Dr. Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved Worldwide

The Job of Tonsils

The Job of Tonsils

The Job of Tonsils

By Dr. Val


If you are one of those unfortunate people who had their tonsils yanked out in childhood, it may interest you to know that studies have shown that such an act reduces your overall energy by 5% on average. That's 5% that you never get back. The best you can do from then on is 95% at top functioning. Sure, some really do need those pesky little balls of suppurating substance taken out so they can actually breathe, but most could have gone with a natural route of healing.


Tonsils are there for a reason; they are part of the first line of defense in the body. Check for information about the importance of tonsils and you will usually find them considered to be unnecessary, like gallbladder and appendix. This attitude is short-sighted at best and criminal at worst. Rather than taking time to work to get rid of the cause of tonsillitis and adenoiditis, it is easier (and more lucrative) to take them out.


Most pediatricians will agree that tonsils and adenoids must be removed when they become massively inflamed and full of lymphocytes (pus). This is because they can become large enough to block breathing and swallowing. Left untreated, tonsils can actually burst, become necrotic, and allow further infections to develop, including cancer. Unfortunately, natural medicine treatments are almost never pursued by conventional physicians, who have developed a method of treating symptoms, rather than causes.


Tonsils and adenoids are composed mainly of lymphoid tissue; this is involved in producing antibodies. Since there are many places in the body with this type of tissue, tonsils and adenoids are thought to be unnecessary. Pediatricians tend to think that the excess of viral infections kids are exposed to these days make the tonsils react too vigorously and thus become 'dysfunctional'. Perhaps we need look no further than the excessive amount of vaccinations performed upon children to find a cause for such an overreaction.


Another job of tonsils appears to be in the handling of parasites. Since people seem more affected by parasites now than in previous decades, it seems having intact tonsils might be a good idea. These little organs considered useless are the first to jump in and produce antibodies to whatever has passed by them that can harm the body. This lead time gives the immune system the jump-start it needs to get the upper hand in the battle against bacteria, viruses and parasites. While it is miserable when the tonsils and adenoids are infected, there are several natural treatments available to lessen the impact. While conventional doctors think tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy have generally positive results, the fact is that adults who still have these organs are actually healthier than the rest of the population. Useless organs? I don't think so.


©2021 Dr. Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved Worldwide

How to Stop Contagious Disease From Spreading

How to Stop Contagious Disease From Spreading

How to Stop Contagious Disease From Spreading

By Dr. Val


This cold and flu season, how about we all agree to quarantine ourselves at the first hint of an infection? That would mean that when a sudden fatigue hits, or dizziness, or a sore throat/cough/tickle, or wave of nausea...we go home, bolt the door, and don't come out until we are well. It might sound impossible but if more people adhered to this suggestion there would be a lot less illness passed around. Whether you believe in Germ Theory (current conventional medicine) or Terrain Theory (traditional medicine), something is getting passed around. Conventional medicine treats the symptoms while traditional/alternative medicine seeks to remove the cause. In the case of colds and flu, it’s usually the body launching into detox mode. A case can also be made regarding the contagion of negative thoughts that impact the energetic/etheric body, causing illness.


The main problem with not infecting others has to do with the way colds and flu are passed: the viral particles are shed by the infected person at least 24 hours before they realize they are ill. Once the symptoms start, it's too late-everyone you had contact with in the previous 24 hours already has a dose of those particles (whether it’s germs or thoughts). Of course, the best way to avoid passing viruses around is to practice good hand washing techniques and to cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing (and don't touch anything until those germ-laden hands are washed).


If you ever want to see what can happen without proper hand washing, get yourself some 'glow germ' solution and put one drop on a hand and rub it all over the hand. Then go through your normal motions: open doors, answer the phone, shake hands, eat, etc. Then get out the black-light and see where you have been. Yow! There will be little 'glow-germs' all over the place, including on other people. Even with vigorous washing, there will still be lines of 'glow-germs' on your hands. It's enough to make one paranoid about ever touching things in public again.


The problem of passing contagious diseases around to innocent people is one that has been with all life-forms began on Earth. We can do something about it by being more compassionate and sequestering ourselves away when we think we have “caught” something. Since contagious diseases have a geometric progression (one infects two who infect four, who infect sixteen, etc), we usually have a little warning that something is out there. So when you feel a symptom of cold or flu, get thyself to the cave and roll the rock to behind you.


In the case where almost an entire city gets the flu within a day or two, it isn't a normal's our government experimenting on the population to see how many would be knocked out with biological warfare. History has multiple incidences of such things being foisted upon an unsuspecting public (it's not just our government, it's every government). Welcome to the insanity of modern warfare.


The least we can do to protect ourselves and loved ones is practice good hygiene and do our best to avoid passing along bacteria or viruses that we harbor. Consider: there is a good chance that at least 4% of the infected will die from the common flu. It just makes sense to do our best to protect self and others. After all, that 4% doesn't sound like much unless it happens to us or someone we care about.


©2021 Dr. Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved Worldwide


How To Grow a Good Immune System

How To Grow a Good Immune System

How To Grow a Good Immune System

By Dr. Val


The immune system has a job that is vital to our health and happiness but modern science is doing pretty much everything it can to destroy this lovely system. Our air, water, and food are now poisoned with substances guaranteed to cause immune system failure. The more processed food one eats, the more likely to create problems with the system. A look at the various offensive chemicals that the FDA approves for inclusion in our food and beverages will soon convince even the staunch nay-sayer that they are in cahoots with some group that is trying to make the rest of us sick and dead...preferably after they have all our money.


If this seems like too strong a statement for you, go look at the approved ingredients list and do the research yourself. The two biggest offenders are Aspartame and MSG (monosodium glutamate); both of which the FDA considers GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) additives. There's big money to be made with those ingredients, from the companies that produce them, to the medical mafia. Oh and speaking of the medical mafia, they have approved a bevy of vaccinations to be given to newborns and toddlers that have caused hundreds of thousands of diseases and deaths. Most good microbiologists will tell you that most of the vaccinations are not only tainted with cancer-causing simian viruses but also that the vaccinations impact the immune system in a way that actually causes dysfunction.


To grow a strong immune system, let the children be exposed to whatever is out there and treat any infections with homeopathy and botanical remedies. Back in the 1960's mothers used to send their kids over to play with kids that had the childhood diseases like measles, mumps and chicken-pox. It was common knowledge that contracting the diseases would confer immunity upon the child. In families that understood how to grow a healthy immune system, children were allowed to play in the dirt, crawl around on dirty floors, and visit hospitals--which are really great places to get some particularly nasty infectious organisms.


The other component of growing a healthy immune system has to do with providing the body with what it needs to grow said healthy system: proper food, rest, fresh air and sunshine, good clean water, and exercise. Supplementing with nutrition that helps the immune system, like vitamins C and D, zinc, and adaptogenic herbs ensures that the body will be prepared to defend itself. Eating fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables is also vital to proper immune function. The more processed food we put into our bodies, the more dysfunction we end up with. Sugar and high-fructose corn syrup do huge amounts of damage to the system. One teaspoon of sugar will halt immune system function for over an hour and drinking one can of soda can stop it for over five hours. Drop the sugary drinks and snacks out of the diet and watch both immune system and energy levels improve. Growing into healthy immunity is now more important than ever; we can't afford to ignore it.


©2021 Dr. Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved Worldwide



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