How To Grow a Good Immune System

How To Grow a Good Immune System

How To Grow a Good Immune System

By Dr. Val


The immune system has a job that is vital to our health and happiness but modern science is doing pretty much everything it can to destroy this lovely system. Our air, water, and food are now poisoned with substances guaranteed to cause immune system failure. The more processed food one eats, the more likely to create problems with the system. A look at the various offensive chemicals that the FDA approves for inclusion in our food and beverages will soon convince even the staunch nay-sayer that they are in cahoots with some group that is trying to make the rest of us sick and dead...preferably after they have all our money.


If this seems like too strong a statement for you, go look at the approved ingredients list and do the research yourself. The two biggest offenders are Aspartame and MSG (monosodium glutamate); both of which the FDA considers GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) additives. There's big money to be made with those ingredients, from the companies that produce them, to the medical mafia. Oh and speaking of the medical mafia, they have approved a bevy of vaccinations to be given to newborns and toddlers that have caused hundreds of thousands of diseases and deaths. Most good microbiologists will tell you that most of the vaccinations are not only tainted with cancer-causing simian viruses but also that the vaccinations impact the immune system in a way that actually causes dysfunction.


To grow a strong immune system, let the children be exposed to whatever is out there and treat any infections with homeopathy and botanical remedies. Back in the 1960's mothers used to send their kids over to play with kids that had the childhood diseases like measles, mumps and chicken-pox. It was common knowledge that contracting the diseases would confer immunity upon the child. In families that understood how to grow a healthy immune system, children were allowed to play in the dirt, crawl around on dirty floors, and visit hospitals--which are really great places to get some particularly nasty infectious organisms.


The other component of growing a healthy immune system has to do with providing the body with what it needs to grow said healthy system: proper food, rest, fresh air and sunshine, good clean water, and exercise. Supplementing with nutrition that helps the immune system, like vitamins C and D, zinc, and adaptogenic herbs ensures that the body will be prepared to defend itself. Eating fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables is also vital to proper immune function. The more processed food we put into our bodies, the more dysfunction we end up with. Sugar and high-fructose corn syrup do huge amounts of damage to the system. One teaspoon of sugar will halt immune system function for over an hour and drinking one can of soda can stop it for over five hours. Drop the sugary drinks and snacks out of the diet and watch both immune system and energy levels improve. Growing into healthy immunity is now more important than ever; we can't afford to ignore it.


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