Health & Frequency Tools

Health & Frequency Tools

Health & Frequency Tools

By Dr. Val


When working on putting together a product with specific healing frequencies, things don't always turn out to be of the sort you might expect. These types of frequencies have to do with going way beyond our Third Dimension physical bodies. Of course, these DO have a healing effect on the physical body, but they are not primarily used for that. It's more like a side effect of the frequencies, the kind of side effect we really like.

It's all Quantum-Physics-World-of-the-Small colliding with Newtonian-Physics-World-of-the-Large type stuff. You could think of it as a kind of segue with a snowball effect. Starting off warm and fuzzy, it just feels good...then it hurts, which can cause one to remove the product for a bit to allow the body to deal with the changes. Like sitting on a limb and cutting off circulation for too long, the restored energy gives a 'pins n' needles' effect before really walloping the nervous system. Some people may feel this as pain and other people may get rampant diarrhea for a few days. It all depends on what the blockage was and how much energy it takes to remove it.


The good thing about using frequency-infused products is this: if it hurts, you can take it off and then the pain stops. If you have what seems to be a detrimental effect with some of the products, it really is just a detox reaction. The frequencies help the body/mind/spirit kick out whatever is causing a problem; sometimes that can be painful or an annoyance. Sometimes nightmares concerning things from the past surface, primarily so the conscious mind can work through them now. Nowhere are strange side-effects more prevalent than in a frequency-infused health product. During the initial stages of experimentation with a new set of frequencies, I placed a set of spa stones containing health frequencies on either side of my 12 year old cat. He had a lot of serious injuries (due to being extremely brave). Moist weather has had him complaining about those old injuries quite a bit. It took all of about 15 seconds for him to notice that something was definitely up. He examined those stones excitedly, sniffer going crazy, and plopped down with one at his back and the other in front of him. Grabbing at the one in front, he finally got it pulled in tight to his chest and settled down with a purr. When I had to remove the stones to use them on a friend, both cats ran over and looked at the friend, meowing something very important at us. When I put the stones back on the chair, the other cat claimed them, leaving the warrior-cat feeling displaced. The minute she left, the little guy jumped right back onto those stones and refused to move...for hours. Gee, do you think there might be some pretty important health frequencies in those stones?


If you are unfamiliar with cat behavior, let me elucidate: cats are extremely energy-sensitive. They will go a long way to find just the right kind of energy spot to settle in. Cats also heal themselves with their purrs, several frequencies of which have been shown to effectively heal bone, muscle and lung...of ALL creatures, not just cats. Veterinarians have an old saying: "Place a sack of broken bones in a room with a purring cat and the bones will be healed." I guess you could say my cats are my unofficial barometers; if they really like the frequencies, they have to be good!


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