
How to Survive the Cold and Flu Season: Basics

How to Survive the Cold and Flu Season: Basics

How to Survive the Cold and Flu Season: Basics

By Dr. Val


There are two major cold and flu seasons that we go through each year. The usual trigger is seasonal change, spring to summer and summer to fall. There are a multitude of reasons for these particular times to be troublesome, mostly related to temperature extremes, seasonal allergies and fungus cycles. People tend to gather for social functions more then, which allows for spread of disease due to close proximity to infected individuals. Since viral particles are shed before the infected person is aware they are ill, there is little warning. For the Terrain Theory fans, it is close proximity of defective thoughts of others. Think of the virus particles as negative thought particles that impact your energetic/etheric body, trickling down to cause dis-ease.


To get through cold and flu seasons in relative ease, bump up on vitamin C, zinc, colloidal silver, multivitamin/multiminerals, vitamin B complex, and raw apple cider vinegar. Eat good, healthy food--even if it's hard to contemplate a nice big salad when it's cold outside. Get plenty of rest, reduce stress, and get a good laugh every day. When exercising outdoors, take care to wear a jacket when you start to cool down--yes, Mom was right--avoiding a chill keeps your body reserves from being depleted.


For those in northern climates that lack sun: keeping lights on during the day helps to keep circadian rhythms from going awry. Use "daylight" or "sunlight spectrum" bulbs, which provide about 92% of the same spectrum as sunlight. A few hours before going to sleep, turn the lights down; add orange, red, or yellow bulbs if there is a problem getting to sleep. The colors of fire remind us of ancient times when campfires were the only light at night. Strange as it may seem, our brains are quite familiar with those colors signaling time to go to sleep.


Be prepared for sudden cold snaps while out by always carrying a jacket, gloves and a hat. A warm hat will keep a major amount of heat from escaping the body. The trick to keeping warm during seasonal changes has to do with the amount of energy the immune system requires for proper functioning and the need to keep the body temperature at a balmy 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. If the body gets chilled and can't get the temperature back up quickly, opportunistic organisms could get the upper hand. Being too cold also makes it hard to keep a positive attitude and that has a lot to do with staying healthy. Watch your own thoughts and words as well as those of the people around you.


As far as getting vaccinations goes, you have to make your own choice in the matter. Please do check out both sides of the issue to make sure you are fully informed before taking such foreign substances into your body (Caveat emptor). If one prepares well and avoids getting infected in the first place, there is no need for most of what the conventional doctors are recommending. Most of the problem with getting a cold or flu is that of the immune system responding too strongly but not being strong enough to prevent viruses (and not with “infecting organisms” themselves). Keep the body's defenses shored up and just avoid the whole mess. Consider doing a detox; colds and flu are really just the body’s way to tell you your toxin levels need to be dealt with. Time to do some house-cleaning, so the body mounts a fever to get rid of toxins...fever is our friend!


There are several really excellent natural anti-viral preparations available over the counter; keep your favorite ones handy. Thieves Oil, Lomatium Dissectum (Desert Parsley), Oregano, Olive Leaf, Thyme, and many others are great for colds and flu. Take a good anti-viral and ramp up the ones mentioned and you should be able to get through any cold and flu season quite well.


©2021 Dr. Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved Worldwide

How to Survive the Cold and Flu Season: Zinc

How to Survive the Cold and Flu Season: Zinc

How to Survive the Cold and Flu Season: Zinc

By Dr. Val


One of the major minerals required to stay healthy is zinc. This mineral must be consumed in the diet because it is not stored by the body. Since zinc is required for a host of processes, knowing the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) is important, especially during cold and flu season. It is recommended that adult males take 11mg a day and adult females take 8mg (11-12mg during pregnancy and lactation). Zinc is used in DNA and protein synthesis, wound healing, cell division, for proper immune system function, growth and development, and for proper taste and smell. That taste and smell part has to do with your ability to sense tastes and smells, not with you smelling or tasting good to someone else.


Oysters are famous for being full of zinc but it is also found in red meat, poultry, crab, lobster, beans, nuts and grains. Whole grains can contain, which bind zinc so that it isn't absorbable. Vegetarians usually require supplementation of about 50% more zinc than meat-eaters. Some disease states are known to cause an increased zinc requirement. Usually people who eat a normal, varied diet have no problem getting enough zinc. A zinc deficiency state can occur if certain disease states are prolonged, the person isn't eating, or if the diet contains a high amount of zinc-binding phytates.


Zinc has long been recommended as an adjunct to help with colds and flu but studies have shown that its best effect is that of boosting the immune system so viruses are not contracted in the first place. Some of the studies have shown that zinc supplementation can lessen the duration and severity of cold or flu; the amounts studied have been between 10-15mg every two to three hours. It is generally recommended that a daily total of 50-100mg zinc for one week, taken at the beginning of a cold or flu infection, can reduce both duration and severity of the infection.


The type of zinc one takes can make a difference; it's all about absorption. If the body can't absorb it, it can't use it. The plant-based zincs, such as zinc gluconate, zinc orotate, and zinc acetate are mildly effective and more readily absorbed, zinc sulfate is used for macular degeneration, zinc oxide is reserved for skin lesions (topical application) and elemental zinc usually isn’t used because it can cause nausea and diarrhea. Because zinc competes with copper and iron, prolonged use of higher doses of zinc can lead to copper or iron deficiency. Symptoms of zinc overdose include nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, impaired immune function, headaches, gastrointestinal discomfort, and loss of appetite.


Lab tests are notoriously unreliable for determining accurate zinc levels because zinc is used in so many body processes and is not stored in the body. There is a "zinc tally" available that assesses zinc deficiency by taste: if you can't taste it, you are zinc deficient. The zinc tally also can be ingested by those who are zinc deficient, as a means of supplementation. Those who have adequate zinc levels have a tendency to have projectile spitting of the zinc tally, rather immediately.


The bottom line with using zinc for cold and flu relief is pretty simple: maintain adequate zinc levels in the body and supplement with a little extra as soon as you feel yourself coming down with cold or flu. The higher level of zinc should only be done under a doctor's care as this is definitely a case where "if some is good, more is better" can lead you down a very hard road.


©2021 Dr. Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved Worldwide


How to Handle a Fever

How to Handle a Fever

How to Handle a Fever

By Dr. Val


Too many people panic when they or loved ones spike a fever. Relax people; fever is our friend.The only time a fever is really dangerous? If it goes over 105 degrees Fahrenheit (as taken orally). Mostly, a fever will stop around 103 degrees and rarely does it go over 104 degrees. A fever is simply the immune system response to an infection or toxicity in the blood.


In the case of an infection, viral infections usually cause a low-grade fever, of 101 degrees or less; generally self-limiting (usually going away within two weeks). A bacterial infection is far more dangerous as it may go into a 'fulminant' stage and become uncontrollable. Fever from such an infection will continue to climb and at some point will end when the organism (the person) dies. Brain matter does not do well at over 106 degrees. Remember that commercial on television: "this is your brain on drugs" showing the fried eggs? Extreme or prolonged heat coagulates proteins and causes disassociation of enzymes. Enzymes work in a very narrow range of temperature; once past the outer limits, they cease functioning...which results in death. A high fever in children can cause seizures, but don't give them aspirin--it can make matters worse. Standard treatment is acetaminophen and/or cooling measures (ice pack, ice bath, etc). Check with your physician as to the best way to handle your child's fever.


Fever from toxicity in the blood can go up to around 103 degrees and is usually also self-limiting. When the toxins are “burned off”, the fever goes away. This type of fever usually is slower to rise, preceded by feeling worse and worse, usually with headache, nausea and dizziness. It is usually helped by a flushing of the intestines (enema) and imbibing only water with lemon or lime juice for a couple of days.


Remember that old adage: "Starve a cold/feed a fever"? It isn't complete, which is why nobody understands it. The real saying is "Starve a cold OR YOU WILL feed a fever." In other words, in sickness is not the time to be eating hearty. Chicken soup is about as far as one should go when ill; fasting is far better. In fasting, the body can clear out toxins--several of which come from foods we eat. By drinking only water with lemon or lime juice, layers of mucus that have built up on intestinal walls get dissolved, clearing the intestinal pores, through which lymph fluid is designed to drain out. When lymph fluid becomes over-loaded with toxins and debris it becomes like glue and stops being able to drain. If the lymph is unable to drain and keeps recirculating, it becomes sluggish and clogs up the whole system. At some point the body then needs to burn off toxins no longer being removed from the bloodstream. Fever is the body's answer to this problem.


To take aspirin or acetaminophen at the first sign of a fever is to interfere with the natural workings of the body, adding more toxins to the blood. Sure, it may stop the fever, but the person won't feel much better and the problem doesn't go away. Yes, a high fever is very uncomfortable and dangerous to the brain if it gets too high. An ice pack to the head helps keep the brain cool and reduces the headache that accompanies a fever. When in doubt, check with your doctor. Better yet, keep your emunctories open, your diet clean and avoid getting toxic in the first place.


©2021 Dr. Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved Worldwide

A Complication of Fever Treatment in Children: Reye's Syndrome

A Complication of Fever Treatment in Children: Reye's Syndrome

A Complication of Fever Treatment in Children: Reye's Syndrome

By Dr. Val


It is advised that children with fevers never be given aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) because it can result in a potentially fatal disease known as Reye's Syndrome. Symptoms of Reye’s Syndrome include loss of consciousness, vomiting, lethargy, confusion and seizures and need emergency treatment. This most commonly occurs after a cold, flu or chicken pox infection. It is now believed those affected have an underlying genetic problem with fatty acid oxidation (mitochondrial disease). Exposure to paint thinners and herbicides have also been shown to cause the disease. Although the syndrome can occur without aspirin administration, there have been numerous cases of it being caused by aspirin in children with viral fevers. While no absolute definitive cause for a susceptibility to Reye's Syndrome has been found, it is postulated that those with inborn errors of metabolism may have a problem with aspirin.


Studies have shown the damage starts in the cellular mitochondria (the energy-producing components of the cell). This problem then causes fatty liver syndrome and encephalopathy. While adult manifestation of this syndrome is rare and the adult patient generally recovers totally within two weeks, children are not so fortunate. With children, mild to severe and permanent liver and brain damage occurs, from which they seldom recover.


After the CDC (Center for Disease Control) started issuing warnings (in 1980) about using aspirin in children, the number of cases of Reye's syndrome dramatically decreased. Prior to that time children with viral infections such as colds, flu, and chickenpox were routinely given aspirin for fever, resulting in over 500 reported cases of liver and brain damage per year.


The basic thing to remember if you have a child with a viral illness and a fever is this: fever helps to burn off viral particles and toxins in the blood. Unless the fever is high (over 103.5 degrees Fahrenheit) or there are seizures, loss of consciousness or other brain dysfunction, it's usually best just to let the fever run its course. Tylenol (acetominaphen) or Ibuprophen may be given to decrease a fever if needed. When in doubt, contact your physician or the local emergency room. Most traditional medicine physicians would rather the fever run, for the reasons noted above. They will likely also suggest that the child be given an enema and fasted for a few days, to aid the body in eliminating toxins. It may seem strange in these days of giving patients a pill for every little symptom, but fever is not our is a friend. Our bodies are designed to fight off invasions of bacteria, fungi, toxins and bad food choices. They aren't so good at fighting off viruses but those are not as dangerous (generally) as bacteria. And according to Terrain Theory, there’s no such thing as viruses. Rather, the “viral particles” appear in the cellular matrix due to toxic terrain. That means detox is the answer to avoiding such things. Fever is uncomfortable but necessary to our overall health--up to a point. Very high fevers can cause brain damage. Get to know your body and how it handles infections and toxins so you understand when to call the doctor and when to handle it yourself.


©2021 Dr. Valerie Olmsted All Rights

Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke)

Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke)

Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke)

By Dr. Val & Noeline


Stroke is a leading cause of death or disability. Stroke can kill instantly or be delayed. Also known as a Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA), it occurs when something blocks the flow of blood to an area. This can be from a blood clot, a plaque that breaks loose from an artery, a clump of "vegetation" from a bacterial infection, an air bubble, or a fat globule. There are two types of stroke: hemorrhagic (bleeding due to rupture of a blood vessel) and ischemic (blockage of blood flow). Those two types require distinctly different treatments.

Symptoms of a stroke are paralysis of one side of the body, difficulty speaking, swallowing/eating, difficulty understanding speech, numbness, vision problems, severe headache, loss of consciousness, dizziness, slurred speech, lack of coordination/balance when walking, and/or memory loss. Symptoms of a stroke require immediate evaluation by a physician. Even then, some stroke activity can be completely missed by the tests, only to lead to death after leaving the hospital.

Note: If the obstruction hits the brain, it is commonly called a stroke. In the heart, it is called a myocardial infarction/heart attack. In other areas it is called an ischemic stroke. Due to blocking the blood flow, the organ the flow is going to can suffer tissue death of some degree. If flow is not restored in time, this can lead to death of the organ. Depending on the organ involved, this can also lead to sudden death of the body.

Conventional Medicine

Physical exam, lab tests, ECG (electrocardiogram) and CT or MRI scans help to determine what type of stroke has occurred—but in some cases are not definitive. Blood tests will usually include CBC with differential, lipid panel, CMP/SMAC (blood chemistry), PT/PTT and D-dimer, FDP. Radiologic tests may include a head/neck X-ray, CTscan or MRI, Cerebral Angiogram, or Carotid Ultrasound.

Treatment for an ischemic stroke involves an intravenous clot-buster such as tPA (Tissue Plasminogen Activator), which can be given up to 4.5 hours after a stroke. An endovascular (in the blood vessel) procedure to remove an obstruction or inject a clot-buster might be used, depending on what the tests show. Carotid endarterectomy may be used to remove clots or plaque from the carotid arteries. Angioplasty and stent placement might be performed in some cases, to keep the artery open.

Treatment for a hemorrhagic stroke involves stopping the bleeding. If caused by overdosage of blood thinners, medications to counteract those medications will be given. Surgery may be required to repair the ruptured blood vessel/aneurysm and remove excess blood and/or clots. Stents or coils may be placed inside the artery to prevent further rupture. In the case of AVM (AterioVenous Malformation), surgery or Steriotactic Radiosurgery (focused radiation) may be used.

Recovery after stroke usually involves PT (physical therapy), ST (speech therapy) and/or OT (occupational therapy), diet/lifestyle changes, and supportive mental health care (psychologist/psychiatrist, spiritual counselor, social worker), anticoagulants or fibrinolytics, anti-hypertensives.

Alternative Medicine

The same tests as above may be utilized by an alternative medicine physician (if allowed by the patient). If emergent care is needed, the patient will usually be sent to a hospital for emergency treatments as listed above.


The use of Mucokehl D5 from the Sanukehl range of isopathic homeopathic remedies is highly beneficial for any kind of blood clot and therefore is prescribed by a homeopath for the eventuality of a stroke (or heart attack).


Post-stroke care will address precipitating factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, stress, constipation, infection, and parasites. Recovery methods as listed above will also be recommended. Further alternative methods of treatment will not be discussed here as such a serious matter of a stroke really should be handled by a physician (N.M.D/N.D., D.C., O.M.D.). For post stroke rehabilitation, Sound therapy has been very successful in rewiring the brain. The Listening Centre Homepage This is the Canadian sound therapy center, Filtered Sound Therapy ( New Zealand.


(C) 2021 Dr. Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Blood Clots

Blood Clots

Blood Clots

By Dr. Val & Noeline


Blood clots are formed by fibrin, a natural line of defense in the body. In the case of injury, fibrin forms a mesh-like patch over the injured area as the first step in healing. When there is too much fibrin and the blood is too thick, clots can be formed. The bigger the clot, the bigger it gets, as more and more fibrin attaches to it. Some substances trigger clotting; graphene oxide and other heavy metals among them. The most dangerous areas to have clots are brain, heart, and lungs but any clots that block flow to an organ can cause organ death. In the brain, clot injury is termed a Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA), in the heart it is called an Acute Mycardial Infarction (AMI).


Blood clots are nothing to mess around with; they require immediate/emergency attention.


Conventional medical treatment

Tests to determine clot formation center around coagulation studies (PT/PTT, D-dimer, FDP, Fibrinogen) plus the other standard screening chemistries (CBC w/ diff, CMP/SMAC, lipid panel, cardiac enzymes).


Treatment for clots is to use a clot-buster like Urokinase, Streptokinase, or tPA. Those treatments are only given within a narrow window of time of an event (such as stroke or heart attack) due to possible severe side effects. These thrombolytic agents are plasminogen activators that convert to plasmin, which dissolves fibrin. Basically, the longer the time from the event, the less likely such agents will be used. Blood thinners such as Heparin and Coumadin/Warfarin are also used, in hopes of preventing clots.


Alternative medical treatment

Tests as noted above are performed. Treatment for clots utilizes natural clot-busters such as Nattokinase, Serrapeptase, or Lumbrokinase. These natural fibrinolytics are enzymes which dissolve fibrin and are related to plasmin. They also enhance the body’s natural production of plasmin, are anti-hypertensive, anti-thrombotic, anticoagulant, anti-atherosclerotic, and neuroprotective. They can also be useful to dissolve biofilm as well, thereby exposing pathogens so they may be eradicated more easily. These alternative fibrinolytics must be taken on a more frequent basis but are much safer for both acute and chronic use.


There are also homeopathic, Ayurvedic, and Chinese medicines that may reduce the tendencies to form blood clots (thrombosis). Certain foods may also help reduce thrombotic tendencies, such as pineapple enzyme (bromelain), turmeric, cinnamon, ginkgo biloba, cayenne pepper, red clover, garlic, almonds, coffee, cherries, apples, salmon, sardines, dark chocolate, etc. The pleomorphic remedy Mucokehl is used to stop blood clots immediately; it can be obtained through alternative medicine practitioners.


(C) 2021 Dr. Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Overcoming the Fear

Overcoming the Fear

Overcoming the Fear

by Noeline Levinson

Who is afraid of the big bad wolf? WE ARE.

What has become apparent to me, is that the pandemic is really all about FEAR. The vaccine was tested early on in it’s formation and the resonance it emitted was the same as the fear vibration. I am told by therapists who are counselling the vaccinated, that they are paralytically terrified of unvaccinated humans. Even though we know logically that there is no threat from unvaccinated human beings, the fear has taken over their lives. Similarly, the unvaccinated people are just as anxious about coming into contact with the newly “poisoned” human beings, for fear of catching the dreaded spike proteins.

The overarching theme is FEAR. We heard early on from those who were guiding humanity, to let go of fear. That the fear resonance was in the 3rd dimension and that we have to release it and overcome it as we venture into the 4th and 5th dimensions.

OSHO, the intellectual guru said that “people die from fear much more than from an epidemic” and “There is no virus in the world more dangerous than fear.”

In homeopathy, we study that all illness started with the fear of death.  Before there was a fear of death, there was no illness.

So what is the solution? Of course you know the answer to this. Meditation becomes a protective aura that no negative energy can penetrate. Raise your vibration, through breathwork, through thought, any way you know how. Remember, none of this exists in the 5th dimension, and it has never been more important to strive for this vibration. When we are tired, when we are stressed, when we allow the narrative to enter our space, we fall back into the 3rd dimensional matrix. It is so easy to do, and we don’t even realise we have done it.

Let’s all help each other, reminding each other, to keep the vibration high. Do you know what biological entrainment is? You do. You have heard of the phenomenon of women who share a living space together will start to menstruate at the same time. This is biological entrainment. It happens on all dimensions, and currently, we have a negative narrative, pulling our energy into it. We have to work very hard to raise the vibration and link hands and hearts with those who resonate at a higher vibration, so that we can protect each other, and ourselves.


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